I'd rather see my doctor than my CPA
You’ve scheduled your appointment, what happens next? I'm here to help give you some expectations going into a New Client Appointment. If you are a new client, we are going to visit and we’re going to talk through your situation. If you have, what we call, compliance issues, then, yes, you would probably rather talk to your doctor, because catching up on those past due returns, digging through those IRS notices can feel like an unmedicated colonoscopy. I promise I won't make you dig for things that aren't helpful, I won't give you busy work that isn't helpful.
I have a secure file server that you can upload your documents to, This is where you can upload any documents that you think would be helpful so I can look at them previous to our appointment time.
The appointment will last approximately 30 minutes and we will go through things such as:
What your expenses might be
What your income sources are
What your household looks like